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3 Things You Can Do TODAY to Significantly Help Your Gut Health

Dr. Jaffe talks about three important things you can do to improve your digestive (gut) [...]

What is a Good Transit Time for Digestion?

Dr. Jaffe talks about the ideal GI transit time from ingestion to elimination. Hear what [...]

Digestive Bitters for Healthier Digestion

Dr. Jaffe talks about digestive bitters and how they function to promote healthy digestion. Watch [...]

DrJ’s Thoughts on Turmeric

Dr. Russell Jaffe (DrJ) discusses his thoughts on turmeric, including which type is best to [...]

How to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally

Dr. Jaffe shares some ways to lower cortisol levels naturally. Watch now! Learn more about [...]

Why Does the LRA Test Determine Which Food is Causing Your Blood Sugar to Spike?

Dr. Jaffe discusses LRA Testing and how it works with regards to determining which foods [...]

How to Renew Naturally

Dr. Jaffe discusses how to choose habits of daily living that bring repair and renewal [...]

Wild Rice Benefits

Dr. Jaffe discusses the benefits of wild rice. Watch now! Read more about healthy grasses [...]