A message to our valued customers from Russ Jaffe, Founder and Chairman

While the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, prompting new precautionary measures, we all share in the goal of keeping our family, friends, and colleagues safe and healthy. As a company dedicated to serving the healthcare community, I want to take a moment to let you know what steps we are taking to continue supporting you, your practice and your patients.

PERQUE Products

We have increased quantities and moved up production of our high-demand immune supportive products. Although we anticipated an increase in demand and took prompt action to increase inventory, until our inventory is replenished, we will be limiting order quantities. This is the best way to ensure more customers have access to this critical immune support. We expect to be fully stocked and able to fill all orders of PERQUE Potent C Guard Powder within the next 3 weeks. We are also working to expedite our supply of PERQUE Zinc & Throat Guard lozenges. We are fully stocked on PERQUE D3 Cell Guard, PERQUE Life Guard Mini, PERQUE Pain Guard Forté and PERQUE Liva Guard Forté – important immune supportive formulations.

Our hours remain 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Eastern, and our Client Services team is working diligently to keep up their usual order processing times. Additionally, our e-commerce platform is available to allow your office the convenience of 24/7 ordering. If your office is reducing in-person client visits, we can drop ship products directly to your clients.

LRA (delayed hypersensitivity testing)

LRA is an important tool to help tune up your client’s immune defense and repair system. Our lab is fully operational and ready to receive your specimens. If helpful, we can drop ship kits directly to your clients and support you through online/telephone interpretation of results. We can also help your clients find a mobile phlebotomy service so that they don’t have to go into a physical lab for their blood draw.

Learn about the role LRA testing can play in helping your patients restore immune tolerance, by joining us for “The Science Behind Food and Chemical Sensitivity” presentation on March 31. Originally planned as a dinner event in Houston, TX, I will now be doing the presentation via video conference and opening it up nationwide. You may register here.

For my detailed recommendations for maintaining a robust immune system, reducing risk, and staying healthy, please watch my recent video here.

As always, we remain eager to be of service to you and your clients.

In Health,

Russell Jaffe, MD, Ph.D., CCN
Founder / Chief Executive Officer
Fellow, Health Studies Collegium

Effective December 18, 2024, ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies will be temporarily closing for operational research and improvement