It’s no secret that most Americans could use an extra amount of sleep every night. In fact, nearly 8-in-10 Americans admit they would feel better and more prepared for the day if they had an extra hour of sleep. More than a third of Americans aren’t getting the required amount of sleep per night. Healthy restorative sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions. The following tips on how to sleep better can make it easier to get through the day and achieve a better overall state of health.
Here are 7 integrative sleep recommendations from Health Studies Collegium:
1) Incorporate relaxing rituals like salt & soda baths with calming essential oils. Other modalities include abdominal breathing, active meditation to link relaxation response with breath and dichromatic green light for 20 minutes prior to bed to improve Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and help remove toxins. Enhancing magnesium, which is a calming and relaxing mineral, is extremely helpful as well.
2) Keep devices out of the bedroom. Many people look at their phones, computers or tablets right before attempting to fall asleep. This isn’t a good idea. It’s important to stay away from devices in the bedroom. Some find value in turning off routers and other sources of electromagnetic fields.
3) Sleep in a room as dark as possible. Many people enjoy falling asleep while the television is on. This is not a good idea to receive the best night’s sleep. It’s important to maintain a room that is dark.
4) Consider enhanced uptake tryptophan with B6 and zinc to enrich serotonin and melatonin where they are helpful yet staying within physiology. Take 30 minutes before retiring for the night. We do not recommend systemically flooding the body with active neurochemicals that nature restricts in location and duration. We recommend physiology before pharmacology. See PERQUE Sleep Guard.
5) Do not eat within three hours of retiring for the night. Eat foods that can be digested, assimilated and eliminated without immune burden. Use LRA tests to determine delayed allergy burdens that can interfere with restorative sleep rhythms.
6) Avoid caffeinated drinks after lunch and stay hydrated with water and alkalinizing beverages instead.
7) As you fall asleep, see yourself receiving inspiration, insight and guidance during the restorative sleep ahead.