Light Therapy

If you have ever heard Dr. Russell Jaffe speak, you have likely heard him mention sitting under a green dichromatic light. Green light therapy is an important component of the Alkaline Way lifestyle and a recommendation Dr. Jaffe makes frequently. Here is a little background to help you make light therapy a part of your lifestyle.

Photobiology is the study of the interactions of light with living organisms. During the day, certain brain rhythms are maintained by fluctuations of light intensity and spectrum. Recent research links mood changes to seasonal fluxes and rhythmic biological cycles that occur each day. A number of other studies suggest that seasonal depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD) may be reduced by exposure to appropriate lighting sources.

Dichromatic Color lamps employ internal filters to produce a specific color by selectively transmitting only the desired wavelengths of light, with virtually no heat absorption. Standard colored lights do not use this principle and so do not have the same health benefits.

Starting with Light Therapy

  • Sit four to six feet from the face of a Dichromatic Color green light for 20 minutes, twice a day. Ideally, this is done in the morning and early evening. A socket-clamp light holder can facilitate positioning of the lamp. You need not look directly at the light.
  • While in position, you can simultaneously perform other activities such as deep breathing, relaxation, guided imagery, range of motion exercises, or reading. This action can facilitate deep brain structures and chemical pathways.
  • Several Dichromatic Color lights can be used simultaneously. It is best if these are the sole source of illumination in the room.
  • If indicated by clinical experience, amber/yellow or blue Dichromatic Color lights can be arranged to shine on the back, chest, abdomen, or any other specific area of the body in need. The same position and time conditions apply.

This program is based on the early work of Edwin Babbitt, Dinsah Jadhiali, Faber Birren, Bhanté Dharmawara, and recent studies by Norm Rosenthal and Al Lewy.

Looking for a dichromatic green light? We can help. Ask your PERQUE Integrative Health account specialist or contact ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies at 800.553-5472.

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