The pH level of urine after 6 hours of rest reflects pH throughout the body. Levels below 6.5 indicate metabolic acidosis. Low pH also suggests mineral deficits, because minerals are pulled from bone and body fluid during metabolic acidosis to buffer and reduce acids and maintain pH within a health range. Acid-alkaline balance is important. […]
In a recent episode of Five to Thrive Live, Dr. Lise Alschuler and Karolyn Gazella talk to Russell Jaffe, MD, Ph.D.,CCN about cold and flu prevention strategies. Hear Dr. Jaffe’s insights on natural and effective methods of enhancing immunity and overall health. Dr. Jaffe also discusses his opinion on the flu vaccine and his personal […]
The ability of the body to fight infection and pathogens is ever dependent on the robustness of the innate arm of the immune system. A recent study – the first to track an immune system response to a flu virus in vivo, provides an inside view of the cell dynamics in this process. Read moreWhen […]
SharePractice, the social medical reference tool, features integrative medicine pioneer, Russell Jaffe, MD, Ph.D., CCN. Read the full article on Dr. Jaffe and follow him on SharePractice to learn his preferred treatment protocols. Click here to read the full feature on Dr. Jaffe.
Australian research study reveals a class of popular osteoporosis medication could be contributing to rather than preventing fractures… Read more. To optimize bone health, Dr. Jaffe recommends eating an immune-tolerant alkaline diet, maintaining 1st AM urine pH between 6.5 – 7.5, and taking a comprehensive mineral complex. It takes much more than just calcium and […]
Managing Persisting Bio-accumulating Pollutants: Toxic Minerals, Biocides, Hormone Mimics, Solvents, and Chemical DisruptorsRussell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN, NACBFirst line comprehensive care is an increasingly sought choice by patients, clinicians, and frontier scientists, looking functionally for causes; recognizing the role of the integration of mind and body; appreciating our adaptation to our environment; using predictive and […]
Full Day WorkshopThursday, Nov 12, 2015, Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, NVACAM invites you to attend this new and exciting workshop with Dr. Russell Jaffe. By the end of this workshop, attendees will know what predictive biomarkers are and how to use them in practice, understand the difference between standard tests and functional predictive tests, […]
Sep 11-12, 2015Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, ArkansasDr. Russell Jaffe to present Functional Immunology in T21 at 2015 Down Syndrome OPTIONS conference.
Visit our booth at the 24th Annual IAACN Scientific Symposium “Preventive Biochemical Interventions & Novel Therapeutic Overtures in Those with Cancer” August 19 – August 22, 2015 Minneapolis, MN
ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies founder, Dr. Russell Jaffe, recently lectured on the topic of functional immunology to students of National University of Health Sciences. Joined by former NUHS faculty Dr. Erica Mennerik, the two presented the foundations and practical applications of functional immunology, including numerous case reports documenting success in removing obstacles to repair and evoking the […]