We are what we eat, drink, think and do

The importance of eating and drinking healthy is fairly well understood by most of us. It’s the thinking and doing that often gets left behind. Diet, supplementation, and regular detoxing are important aspects to keeping your body alkaline, healthy, and resilient. Additionally, both mental and emotional health, and general fitness or activity level, significantly impact […]

7 integrative sleep recommendations to achieve better overall state of health

It’s no secret that most Americans could use an extra amount of sleep every night. In fact, nearly 8-in-10 Americans admit they would feel better and more prepared for the day if they had an extra hour of sleep. More than a third of Americans aren’t getting the required amount of sleep per night. Healthy […]

Get the lead out safely and naturally

Dr. Russell Jaffe recently posted about how you can get the lead out of your system, safely and naturally, on PERQUE. Here is the article: Lead is a heavy, toxic mineral. After decades of documenting how harmful lead can be even in tiny amounts, there is renewed interest in what to do to avoid such […]

Not getting enough sleep? You’re not alone

Stress, family issues, problems at home, medical issues—getting the recommended amount of sleep can be a difficult task even for the best of sleepers. In fact, according to a recent study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, more than a third of Americans are not getting […]

What is GGOBE and why is it important?

Super-foods like garlic, ginger, onions broccoli sprouts and eggs (GGOBE) support healthy detoxification systems by providing the body a very special mineral — sulfur, according to Dr. Russell Jaffe. One of the most abundant in the body, sulfur is required for the synthesis of glutathione, one of our premier endogenous antioxidants, taurine that helps with […]

Travel Tips for Sustained Wellness

Dr. Jaffe was recently asked how he maintains his health-promoting routines given his heavy travel schedule. Here are Dr. Jaffe’s recommendations for staying well while you travel.Travel Tip From “Road Warrior, Dr. Russell JaffePlan a travel day because delays and diversions occur so often now that it makes sense to provide flexible time. When schedules […]

Autism Summit Online

Autism spectrum disorders are the fastest growing developmental disorder in the world today.In the United States a child is diagnosed every 11 minutes. For the past three decades the rates have increased at an accelerating rate and are currently 1in 68 children; 1 in 48 boys and 1 in 189 girls are affected.This is the […]

Effective December 18, 2024, ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies will be temporarily closing for operational research and improvement