Over the last 30 years and 10+ million cell cultures, the clinical benefits of LRA tests
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According to our latest data, more than 50% of Americans with chronic health problems have an immune system dysfunction or autoimmune condition.
Autoimmune conditions include inflammatory bowel diseases (IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Ileitis), asthma, migraine, multiple sclerosis, eczema/psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (and over 100 connective tissue diseases), fibromyalgia, CFIDS, chronic viruses, thyroiditis and other conditions in which the body attacks itself.
LRA by ELISA/ACT testing is a cell culture done on a sample of whole blood. The serum is separated and incubated together with purified antigens. The reaction is then read to determine reactivity of your lymphocytes against the purified antigens. Each test looks at a specific antigen type.
The test has been found to have a day-to-day variance of less than 3%. Using an average test result from over 70,000 cells cultured, the LRA by ELISA/ACT procedure provides <.1% false-positives and <1% false-negatives.
No. White blood cells have very long memory. If you have ever been exposed, that is sufficient.
The short answer is maybe. Most sensitivities are acquired, and you can repair the underlying cause, permanently lose the sensitivity, and regain the ability to eat that food. Some sensitivities are fixed. They are just part of your makeup and must permanently be avoided. On a typical person, between 80-90% of the sensitivities are acquired and will go away, while 10-20% are fixed, and you will permanently have to avoid those items.
Unlike other tests of delayed allergy, LRA looks directly at the patients’ lymphocytes, making it possible to detect all three types of delayed hypersensitivity reaction. Other tests use a marker, such as the presence or amount of an antibody or particles 10 microns or larger, to suggest an immune reaction is taking place.
Another advantage to ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies’ techniques includes the purified antigens. We do not use the antigens as purchased, but purify the antigens to make sure we are testing only one item at a time.
No. The LRA by ELISA/ACT looks at ALL 3 delayed hypersensitivity pathways, not just IgG mediated reactions.
IgG antibody tests (like that done by Cyrex, Immunolabs, Genovo, and US Biotek) just look at the presence and amount of IgG. These tests don’t distinguish between symptom provoking antibodies (the bad) and protective antibodies (the good).
The problem with NOT distinguishing the good from the bad antibodies, is that false positives are common with IgG tests. This results in long lists of items that patients have to avoid unnecessarily.
The LRA by ELISA/ACT tests look directly at the lymphocytes as they are exposed to the items being tested. We are measuring only true lymphocyte reactions.
In contrast, the ALCAT test measures changes in cell particle size, identifying particles in the blood that are 10 microns in size. The ALCAT method infers that the changes in particle size are due to lymphocyte reactions, but activated lymphocytes are NOT the only particles that can be 10 micros.
A recently published article in Natural Medicine Journal concludes that due to low reliability and reproducibility, tests like ALCAT are of limited clinical value. Read article: https://www.elisaact.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Natural-Medicine-Journal-March-2010-Original-Research.pdf
The LRA will identify any immune system response that is triggered by gluten. This is different than a gluten intolerance. An intolerance is a digestive issue and may not also have an immunologic component.
Experience has shown that on retest after a period of six to eight months, major improvements are noticed for those diligently following the plan. If you wish to be retested, we suggest that you wait for a period of at least six months and then discuss it with your health care provider.
Results are available within seven to ten days from day sample is submitted. A model treatment plan is included in the results “with interpretation” to speed recovery of the impaired immune system. For healthy people, LRA by ELISA/ACT can identify early risk.
It may be covered by your insurance company, but we do not accept assignment. Payment is required with the sample. We suggest you contact your provider and ask if covered and if so, how much they will reimburse. The CPT code that describes our test in 86353. Our test will always be “out of network”.