Nutritional Consultation

EAB offers nutritional consultations with specially trained clinical professionals to assist you and your patients with questions regarding tests results and implementation of the treatment plan.   

 Nutritional Consulting Services, led by Jayashree Mani MS, CCN continues to be an important, value-added component of the LRA tests and treatment program. We designed our Nutritional Consulting Services to support both you and your patients as you work together to optimize the information included in the patients’ test results and develop an individualized, comprehensive health recovery program.

Hona Kandi, MBA, CNHP, is the primary practitioner providing this valuable service for EAB. Hona is a certified naturopathic healthcare practitioner and wellness coach with extensive experience in lifestyle counseling and patient care. She is passionate about education and is committed to training healthcare practitioners to maximize their patients’ health and well-being.

To schedule a Nutritional Consult please contact Client Services at 1.800.553.5472 or