Patient Support

Your healthcare practitioner has ordered an LRA test for you. This page contains some important information that will help make the process go smoothly and give you the best results.

❓ What is the LRA test?

The LRA tests help you and your healthcare practitioner identify common items that are over-stressing your immune system and preventing it from defending and repairing you as it should.

Click here to learn more about the LRA test.

Patient Catalog

Our patient catalog provides most of the information found here. It also includes descriptions of each LRA test panel. See pages 9-19 for listings of each test item included in each panel.

Click here to view the patient catalog.

✏️ Test Preparation

Read these important instructions before you schedule your blood draw.

Click here to learn more.

Blood Draws

If your healthcare practitioner doesn’t do blood draws, we can help you find a convenient blood draw option.

Click here for blood draw locations.

Click here for tips for a good blood draw.

Shipping Specimen

It is very important that our lab receives your blood sample while your white cells are still alive and healthy. Review these instructions for proper sample preparation and shipping.

Click here to view the instructions.

Case Studies

LRA tests have helped many patients over the last 30+ years. Our case studies describe just a few of the many successful outcomes in difficult cases through use of LRA tests and treatment plans.

Click here to view our case studies.


Answering your frequently asked questions.

Click here to see our FAQs.