Category Archives: News

Predictive Biomarker Test #6: Vitamin D

The medical literature currently contains more than 50,000 articles on Vitamin D. Vitamin D levels play a significant role in a number of systems in the body, including immune and neurological regulation, and bone health. When levels of this nutrient are low, that increases the risk of cancer and heart disease, autoimmune disorders and psychiatric […]

High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is one of the first widely-available tests that offers a tangible marker of inflammation. The High-Sensitivity Creactive Protein (hsCRP) test measures very low amounts of CRP in the blood providing much more precise and accurate readings. When CRP is high, that is a definite indication of an inflammatory process present throughout the […]

Luminous Brain

Russell Jaffe, MD, Ph.D., CCN A sustainable brain responds to life with resilience and learned optimism. From mood stability to mobility, from senses to sensibility there is much we can do to add years to life and life to years. This is a brief user’s guide and contemporary update about how to have a healthy […]