Predictive Biomarkers for Personalized Proactive Prevention Presentation

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Date(s) - 07/25/2017
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Evidence based clinical management of health issues whether chronic or acute, includes addressing one or all of the fundamental elements such as immune burden, core repair deficits, oxidative damage and metabolic acidosis. In order to tailor optimal therapeutic management, it is essential to look at predictive tests that can address these aspects and confirm specific individual needs to initiate restorative healing.

Laboratory testing today is overly focused on statistics, and health professionals tend to compare their patients’ results to statistical norms, which are skewed to a generally unhealthy population. This presentation highlights 8 functional tests that are predictive of outcome and useful in monitoring personal responses to any therapy. Interpreting these 8 tests against predictive goal values is the basis for much-needed proactive personalized preventive medicine.

Predictive Biomarkers to be discussed:
• Repair deficits, measured by hsCRP;
• Oxidative damage measured by homocysteine, Omega 3 index and 8OhdG;
• Immune burden assessed by lymphocytic response and
• Metabolic acidosis measured through first AM urine pH

Dr. Jaffe will present the evidence in support of these primary, predictive tests as foundational for the practitioner interested in removing obstacles to recovery and in comprehensive, individualized care.


Effective December 18, 2024, ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies will be temporarily closing for operational research and improvement